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Twisted X® Shoe Care Guide Twisted X® Shoe Care Guide

In order to prolong the lifespan of your shoes or boots, it is important to take care of them. We don't recommend cleaning your footwear in the washing machine, as this can cause damage to your shoes and boots.

Fabric Shoes Leather Shoes Exotic Shoes

DuraTWX, ecoTWX,

What you'll need

• Clean cloth

• Toothbrush or other soft bristled brush

• Gentle laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid

• Warm water

How often

As needed

How to clean

1. Wipe down the fabric with a clean cloth to remove any loose dirt or debris.

2. In a bowl, combine one teaspoon of gentle laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid with two cups of warm water.

3. Using an old toothbrush or a soft bristled brush, begin cleaning the fabric with soapy mixture. Work in small sections and scrub lightly as to not damage the fabric.

4. To remove any soap from the fabric, use a clean, damp cloth and wipe down entire shoe. Rinse the cloth and repeat with clean water until all soapy residue is gone.

5. Blot shoes with a dry cloth to remove excess water and place the shoes in a bright area with plenty of air flow until dry.

6. To ensure that shoes hold their shape, stuff shoes with clean, dry cloth or paper towels.

& LeatherTWX

What you'll need

• Clean cloth

• Soft bristle brush

• Leather cleaner

• Leather conditioner

• Leather polish and/or boot cream

How often

We recommend that you clean your leather boots or shoes with a clean cloth or soft brush after each wear. A damp cloth can also be used after each wear to remove any other dirt or debris.

Leather shoes or boots should be conditioned every one to two months and polished as needed.

How to clean

1. Remove loose dirt with a clean cloth or soft brush.

2. Gently wipe leather with damp cloth, being careful to avoid getting the leather too wet.

3. If desired, use a commercial leather cleaner, following instructions on the packaging.

4. Let boots dry completely before storing or continuing on to next step.

5. Every one to two months, apply leather conditioner of your choice, according to the instructions on package. Be sure to test the conditioner on a small spot before applying to the entire shoe or boot.

6. Condition your shoes or boots by rubbing small amounts of conditioner into the leather using a soft cloth until entire boot has been treated.

7. Allow conditioner to absorb into leather for about 15 minutes, then wipe off excess with a soft cloth.

8. To polish leather, select a polish or boot cream that matches your leather, testing on a small spot before applying to the entire shoe or boot.

9. After testing, apply polish to entire shoe or boot and allow to dry.

10. Brush with a soft bristle brush and follow by rubbing with a soft cloth.


What you'll need

• Soft cloth

• Exotic leather conditioner

How often

We recommend that you clean your exotic leather with a damp cloth after each wear to keep dust and dirt from accumulating. Condtioning can be performed as needed but should be done at least once a month.

How to clean

1. Use a soft, damp cloth to remove any loose dirt or dust from leather.

2. Test exotic leather conditioner on a small spot before applying to entire shoe or boot.

3. Follow instructions on leather conditioner package.

4. Apply a thin layer of exotic leather conditioner using a soft cloth to leather and let dry.

5. Use a clean, soft cloth to buff your boots or shoes once the conditioner has dried.